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I Got You (At The End Of The Century) Lyrics

Album/Collection: Being There
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I got you and it's all I need
I got you and it's all I need
I got you and it's all I need
I got you
I got you and I still believe
That you're all that I'll ever need
It's you
All the way back in the seventies
You were my little t.v. queen
Y'er tarzan and friend Janine
I got you
I got you and I still believe
That you're all that I'll ever need
It's you
It's the end of the century
I can't think of anything
Except you
It's the end of the century
And I can't think of anything
But you, all, all, I, need
I got you
I got you, babe
I got you
I got you
I got you
I got you

I Got You (At The End Of The Century) Lyrics

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