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One Time , A Long Time Ago Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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On a mountain in Switzerland yo lo lo lo lo (yo lo lo ay ee)
There lived a fair young maiden
Lovely , but lonely yo oh oh oh
Day after day , she'd pine her  heart away
Yo lo lo lo lo ay ay
But no love came her way
One day her Papa say ,
'Some day , we'll go down to the village in the valley,
There you'll  meet a nice young man , 
he'll ask  for your hand and you'll be hand and you'll be happy.'

Oom pa pa , oom pa pa papa
Oom pa pa oom pa pa papa pah  (twice)

But every day she grew unhappier ,
on a mountain in Switzerland yo lo lo lo lo (yo lo lo ay ee)
Every day a little bit lonelier ,
which way to turn , which way to go.
Day after day , she'd pine her heart away ,
Yo lo lo lo lo ay ay , but no love came her way.
Some say the maiden's dream never came true ,
She never got to go to the valley .
If she did or not I really don't know , 
Wo oh oh oh , did she die unhappy?
I'd rather think she found her love ,
Wouldn't you rather think she did find love?
Somewhere , some way , yodelay de yay , yodelay de yay. 

One Time , A Long Time Ago Lyrics

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