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The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter Lyrics

Album/Collection: Read My Mind
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
Rating: 10.00 (out of 10)
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She came in lookin' good and lookin' around
She's checkin' out every man in the room right now
Don't go tellin' her about right or wrong
She's been alone for way too long


The heart is a lonely hunter
With only one desire
To find some lastin' comfort
In the arms of a lover's fire
Driven by a desperate hunger
To the dark of the neon light
The heart is a lonely hunter
When there's no sign of love in sight

She hears him say hey, can I buy you a drink 
And sees the pale white circle where he wears his ring
She knows he's dealing her a dangerous hand
The consequences of a one night stand but

Repeat the chorus:

>From somewhere deep inside she tells him no
Before she starts t cry she turns to go

Repeat Chorus:

(Mark D. Sanders, Kim Williams, Ed Hill)
Copyright 1994 Starstruck Writers Group, Inc.

The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter Lyrics

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