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Good Intentions Lyrics

Album/Collection: Lyle Lovett And His Large Band
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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It's a sunny day in sunny California
But that old sun it's shining on me
     right here at home
It's one of those days
When those great ideas they just seem
     to fall out on you
And they always fall the greatest when
     you're falling all alone
It makes for a good day for some
     serious reflection
And massive rationalization
For contemplating the future of the
And the last of the past
And wondering if you could ever
     forgive me darling
Al the trouble that I put to you
And if I could forget all those questions
That I never asked
And if I could forgive
The temporary weight gain due to
     excess water retention
I could forgive the rest too
It's just a fact of life
That no one cares to mention
She wasn't good
But she had good intentions

So the grass it grows
When the sun t shines
And my face it glows
When the woman's mine
And you say I'm a fool-around
Honey that may be true
But I'd sooner fool around
Than be a fool for a fool
And if I could forgive
The unadulterated adulterating
I could forgive the rest too
It's just a fact of life
That no one cares to mention
She wasn't good
But she had good intentions

So I'm twenty-six and rising
Still too young to live
But too low to go
I guess it's the process
Of learning to excess
All of those things
That you already know
And if I could forgive
The honey-I-swear-it-didn't-mean-a-
Attempt at abstention
I could forgive the rest too
It's just a fact of life
That no one cares to mention
She wasn't good
But she had good intentions

Good Intentions Lyrics

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