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Rooms Lyrics

Album/Collection: Dry Dreams
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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You're passing,
I hear your shadow through the door
It's outlined on my shade
Like a map of some foreign shore 

If I could keep that shadow,
I could live forever in these 

Rooms, the rooms inside my dreams . . .
And dreams have kept me in these rooms 

I've never seen her face
But I've memorized each sound . . .
The way the wind meets grace
When its shadows pull her gown 

But I could never hear the whispers,
Voices cannot reach my room 

I live inside my dreams, and dreams
Have locked me in these rooms 

I have no sense of time,
Or even night and day. I left my body
Somewhere, somehow it
Just got in the way 

I guess I always knew
These rooms would all lead back to you 

Copyright Earl McGrath Music/Jim Carroll Music, ASCAP/Missing Finger Music, BMI

Rooms Lyrics

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