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That's No Way To Break A Heart Lyrics

Album/Collection: Words
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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You waltz into the room 
Just like you never left
And for a moment or two
I could almost forget
You take me in your arms
And I fall again

Thats no way to break 
a heart
You call my name
I drop my guard
Why can't you play 
your chosen part
And stay away 
so I can make another start
That's no way
to break a heart

Weren't you supposed 
to need 
Something I could not give
But now you're lying 
so close to me
And you're taking
I can't hold on forever
For nothing more then this


No don't touch me,
dont you kiss me
Dont you realize
That's no way
to say goodbye

That's No Way To Break A Heart Lyrics

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