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The Package Guitar Tablature
A Perfect Circle
The Package
Track 1
Thirteenth Step
Tabbed by Nick Deni

Tuning C# F# B E G# C#

This in my opinion is the best song off Thirteenth Step, hence my meticulous tab, I wanted it to be 
perfect. Most of this is just a basis ie.) strum patterns aren't exact. Just listen to the song and you'll 
know what to do. Any comments/questions/corrections, email me at [email protected]. I wrote this 
in Microsoft Word, Courier, font size 8.

/    Slide up
    Slide down
x    Muted string
#x   Muted note
^    Bend
#p#  Pull-off
*    Natural Harmonic
@#   Pinch Harmonic

I used reverb throughout the entire song to give it that 'mystic' sound APC has in every song, as well as 
15 gauge strings to give it a full sound.

I know this version is perfect. There is another tab on the site that is right with the notes throughout 
the Intro, but when you distort it, you don't get the interference of notes since no two are ringing at 
the same time. There are other note variations as well, I guess it doesn't really matter about those, 
you pick what sounds best.

Updated: I just saw them live in Rochester and I have one mistake that I caught - The pinch harmonic in 
Guitar 1's solos, its not 2B, its 7F# - there is a difference. Theres also a different chord Billy played in the 
last part of Verse #1, it'll be corrected as soon as I figure out what it was, it looked sorta weird

Intro (0:00)
Guitar 1 - Clean




Guitar 2 - Clean (0:16)

Verse #1 (0:31)
Guitar 1 - Clean
				                                    	**Subtract at Verse Gap (1:33)

Guitar 2 - Clean - rhythm/volume change slightly

**Slight delay at Verse Gap (1:33)**

Lead #1 - Guitar 2 - continue Verse #1
Guitar 1 Clean (2:20) - This is more of a 'feel' riff - play what sounds good



Fill #1 - Guitar 1 - same as Verse #1
Guitar 2 (2:51) - Clean


Verse #2 - Guitar 1 - Same as Verse #1
Guitar 2 (3:06) - Clean 


Lead #2 - Guitar 1 - Same as Lead #1
Guitar 2 (3:37)

Verse #3
Guitars 1 & 2 - Distortion

|---------| Repeat as necessary

Raking Variations - Try the best you can, its hard to depict this
Guitar 2 - Distortion

#1 (4:08)     		 #2 (4:40)	  		 #3 (4:46)              
|---------| 		 |------------| 		 |-----------------|
|---------| 		 |------------| 		 |-----------------|  
|---------|		  |------------| 		 |-----------------|  
|--5x--5x-|	 	 |--5x--5x--2-|    |--5x--5x---4x-4x-|  
|--5x--5x-| 		 |--5x--5x--2-| 		 |--5x--5x---4x-4x-|  
|--5x--5x-| 		 |--5x--5x--0-| 		 |--5x--5x---4x-4x-|  

#4 (5:58)                                        #5 (6:14)
|----------------------------------------|        |------------|
|----------------------------------------|        |------------|
|--5x-5x---5x-x-5x--5x-x-5x-5x-x-x-------|        |---x--------|
|--5x-5x---5x-x-5x--5x-x-5x-5x-x-x-------|        |---x-----2--|
|--5x-5x---5x-x-5x--5x-x-5x-5x-x-x-------|        |---x-5*--2--|
|--5x-5x---5x-x-5x--5x-x-5x-5x-x-x-5x-5x-|        |---x-----0--|

Guitar 1 - Certain riffs repeated at the end of the song

#1 (4:10)               #2 (4:18)               #3 (4:26)
|--------------------|   |------------------|    |-----------------------------|
|--------------------|   |------------------|    |-----------------------------|
|--------------------|   |------------------|    |----------------13-14-13-----|
|------7p6~-~-~-/9^--|   |-----7p6~-~-~-----|    |-----7p6~-~-~/9--------------|
|--------------------|   |--------------@7--|    |-----------------------------|
|-x-x----------------|   |-x-x--------------|    |-x-x--------------------12--|

#4 (4:34)            #5 (4:41)                                #6 (4:49)
|-----------------|   |----------------------------------|     |------------------------|
|-----------------|   |----------------------------------|     |------------------------|
|-----------------|   |----------------------13-14-------|     |------------------------|
|-----7p6~-~-~---|   |-----7p6~-~-~/14~-~-~------12-----|     |-----7p6~-~-~-~Vol. Inc.|
|---------------7-|   |----------------------------------|     |-------------&-Feedback-|
|-x-x-------------|   |-x-x--------------------------12-|     |-x-x--------------------| 

Chorus #1  Guitar 1 - Play Intro distorted
Guitar 2 - Distortion

|------------------------------------------|  |----------------------------------------|
|------------------------------------------|  |----------------------------------------|
|-9-9/12--------------7-7/9--------------|  |-9-9/12--------------9-7--------------|
|-9-9/122----5---x-x--7-7/7-2-----5-2-2--|  |-9-9/122----5---x-x--9-5-2-----5-2-2--|
|-7-7/102----5---x-x--5-5/7-2-----5-2-2--|  |-7-7/102----5---x-x--7-5-2-----5-2-2--|
|--------0--x-3-0-x-x---------0---x-3-0-0--|  |--------0--x-3-0-x-x-------0---x-3-0-0--|

Chorus #2 (5:26) - Guitar 2 - Same as Chorus #1
Guitar 1 - Distortion


Outro (6:27)
Guitar 1 - Clean - Same as Intro, except variation shown here 
Used at (6:40), (6:58), (7:15)


Guitar 2 - Clean

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