Home > Rock & Pop > 8 Foot Sativa >
Kick It All Away Guitar Tablature
                                KICK IT ALL AWAY
                          As recorded by 8 Foot Sativa
                       (From the 2001 Album HATE MADE ME)

Transcribed by: mcud
Email:[email protected]
Tuning:down 1 & 1/2 steps(low to high)Db-Gb-Cb-Fb-Ab-Db
    Gtr I
  Intro: w/dist 

 Intro.2: w/dist

 Pre chorus: w/heavy dist

 verse: w/dist

 chorus: w/dist

 chorus pt.2: w/dist
|-----------------------------------------------|(not to sure bout this bit)

|-6/7-77-6/7-7-7-88-|       |-55555555-777777-|   
|-6/7-77-6/7-7-7-88-| x3    |-55555555-777777-|
|-------------------| then  |-----------------|
|-------------------|       |-----------------|
|-------------------|       |-----------------|
|-------------------|       |-----------------|

thats all
any ?s send to [email protected]
Previous guitar tablature in 8 Foot Sativa