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Marathon Guitar Tablature
Intro Riff:                                                
                                                          B  A  B  A


      B                            A
 It's not how fast you can go, the ...
    B                                A
 If you pick up the beat, ....

[play 1st half of intro riff]
  More than just ....

                  B         A        
 More than just a dash...
[play verse]
  It's a test of ...

[play 1st half of intro riff]
  More than blind ....

 Must feed this burning need...

Chorus #1 & #3:

 B              E     F#                           E
  From first to last,  the peak is ....

                 Abm                       F#
 always fires the light ...

 B           E    F#                         E
  One moment time,  and glory ....

                 E  E     E  E            F#  F#  F#
 Lightning, that flashes and ....

[play 1st half of intro riff]

[play verse chords]
  Your meters may .....

[play 1st half of intro rif]
  More than high ....

            A    A  A   A  A
 or a lucky shot in the ....

[play chorus]


                       <------- Repeat 10 times ------->

Solo:  Not Transcribed

Guitar tacet, then:
  [play 1st half of bridge riff]

Chorus #2
  C#            F#  Ab
  From first ....
  The peak is ...
  F#                         Bbm
  Something always ...
  That gets in ....
  C#         F#  Ab
  One moment ...
  And glory ...
  Like a streak ....
       F# F#   F# F#            Ab  Ab
  That flashes and ....

Chorus #3:
 [play Chorus #1 chords until finish]

Transcription Notes:

'v' indicates shallow tremelo action... basically vibrato.
'|' indicates a certain section of music... not a traditional musical
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