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Karma Police Guitar Tablature
#-- File created with Instab - http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html --#

Author/Artist: Radiohead
Title: Karma Police
Album: OK Computer
Transcribed by: Guy Oldaker
Email: [email protected]

This is the way to play the song, tabed out, the chord porgressions can be confusing so here ya go. Any Questions and such email me.
    Am   D7/F# Em   G     Am   F       Em   G     Am   D7/F# G  C C/B Am   
  Bm D

The Chorus is just C for 2 beats the D for Two beats and G for 2 and F# for 2. The outro is Bm for 2, then D for 2, then G for 2, then G again for 2 and D again for 2 followed by four beats of E.  

Like So:
Bm    D      G      D      G       D      E
for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myse----lf. 
phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myse----lf.
for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myse----lf.
phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myse----lf.
The Lyrics and the Chords for anyone who wants them instead:
Verse 1:

Am  Am/F#      Em
Kar--ma      Police
G           Am
arrest this man
   F        Em  
he talks in maths
   G              Am
he buzzes like a fridge
     D       G    C   C/B     Am
he's like a detuned radi--o   
Bm    D

Verse 2 (same chords as verse 1):

Karma Police
arrest this girl 
her Hitler hairdo
is making me feel ill
and we have crashed her party

Bridge 1 (played softly until End):

C       D        G     F#
This is what you get 
C       D        G     F#
this is what you get
C       D        G  
this is what you get 
         F#        C 
when you mess with us
Bm     D 

Verse 3 (same chords as verse 1 and 2):

Karma Police 
I've given all I can 
it's not enough 
I've given all I can 
but we're still on the payroll 

Bm         D       G
And for a minute there
   D     G
I lost myself
   D     E
I lost myself

Then, keep playing Bridge 2 chords until the end of the song.
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