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Go Away Guitar Tablature
Go away
Composed and written by Christopher santaw


(Strum once before singing each line over and over again)



I expected to see you that day 
Being pretty looking nice acting o.k.
But I saw you were obscured
But I was wrong you could 

See that I was mad before I knew
I tried to hide it but I think I blew 
All my cover acting fun well its o.k.
Being nice and having fun won’t go away

I thought it would be nice to see me
Tell me if it was nice to be
Having troubles I wish they’d go away
I was thinking about fading away

Till you saved me on that bridge
You gave me something that I had pitched 
You showed me love I showed you hate
But I was ready to forget how to hate

So here we stand united today
Having fun alright we can play
That we love each other for many days
And our whole life would be o.k.

Before I knew it I knew it was that time of day 
Had come for me to go away
Being sad not happy to go away
But I wish I could see you another day

So I go sit on my bus 
Trying not to think about us 
Having trouble to forget all my hate
For that guy I know I will hate

I saw him light up your face
Worrying me threw me out of place
I was shocked ready to faint
Having no fun but seeing the faint

Light at the end of the tunnel
Realizing you scared me into trouble
I knew you loved me I knew you cared
I knew you would get under there

But I calmed down thought about things 
Thinking of life and how unhappy you’d be
If I killed myself with my own will
I think I would take a pill

To stop all this hate
To put an end and forget all my hate
But I love you so I didn’t go
I knew you’d miss me and I wouldn’t go

Away for long so I decided to stay
Stay for you stay for me
Waiting for an eternity 

Cause you never will come my way 
You forget I even live today
I will miss you forever and today
Because of the time you spend away

Away from me and all my hate
I knew you were loved but that you hate
Me being mad, sad or willing to hate
So I decided I will never hate

I won’t hate again
So I can hold your hand 
So I can love you today
And so you’ll never…
Go away

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