Home > Rock & Pop > Michael Schenker Group >
Into the Arena Guitar Tablature
Michael Schenker Group (MSG) - into the arena

Tuning E

I had to do this because everyone needs MSG in their life.just play it through as it is.Yes its hard but what can i say...Schenker is God !
















Just Before the Drums/bass solo:


after drum/Bass solo:(usually this part below is played by keyboard but live played by schenker)







------------18~--18--18~--------       this part is the very end.And i cant tab it 
--14--14p12----------------------      because he changes it everytime he plays live.
----------------------------------     So to improvise just trill a few random notes 
---------------------------------      that sound good :)

Key: H - hammer on
     p - pull off
     ~ - Vibrato
     B - Bend
     % - repeat the phrase
      / - Slide
     * artificial harmonic
     x - ghost note
     tr - trill
     Ps - pick scrape
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                     ||  ||  ||  ||  ||        4 Ever !
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any questions email me at [email protected]